Friday, December 18, 2009

For Hope Burns Bright

This is not my year-end reflection entry but I just have to say that one should always hope for the best...

To Hope gives us something to look forward to, something we dream of, something good that tomorrow will bring...

The year has been really crappy. I mean, damn man. What a bad year!!! I've been through so much. I've experienced heartbreak, sadness, pain, stress, and more stress. I lost loved ones and I learned that I'm too trusting of people. I seriously got screwed over this year. What I've been through I do NOT wish upon anyone...

After all that, all you can do is just hope in something that will remove all the pain away, hope for happiness, hope for a bright future, hope for someone who will respect you and love you for who you are, the list goes on.

I think hoping makes us more human. Hoping gives us positivism in life. It makes you look at the brighter side. Hope doesn't turn you all emo or into a miserable human being. It makes you stronger actually.

To be honest with you, I hoped for a turnaround after August... I wanted a positive thing to happen. I wanted to smile again. For some strange reason, I have something to look forward to everyday. :) There is a plan for all of us. There are things that are really supposed to happen. Call it destiny or fate but we are who we are because of the events that happened.

Last night on Rock Ed, I said as a final thought that 2010 will be a challenging year but we can always look forward to a good tomorrow. Look up to the stars for hope burns bright.


Anonymous said...

know what? i'm loving your recent posts. it talks so much about hope and hoping for a better tomorrow.

2009 hasn't been easy for me too.

Chica said...

Siguro ganito nga talaga ang buhay. Minsan nakakapagod subalit kailangan lang magpatuloy. Hinga lang =). I like your blog. God Bless!

Anonymous said...

"Habang may pag-asa, may buhay." (theme for the 4th day of simbang gabi)

-This was explained by the priest during the homily. According to him, "Habang may Diyos, may Pag-asa. Habang may Pag-asa, may Buhay." Since God is always there, He is immortal, then hope will be there forever. You're right. Hope will always burn bright. :)

Anonymous said... what you always say, everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens just for NOTHING. Today, this year, this past days, you may be feeling down and sad, BUT always remember that there's light in every end of the tunnel. Things don't end up bad, so when things aren't right, it only means that it's not yet the END. are a very strong person, i know Kuya. We all know that you can go through trials and difficulties, SO CHEER UP!! hope burns bright in your heart ^^,).