Monday, October 31, 2011

Switzerland :)

I said before that long distance is a b*tch but it's frikkin awesome when you get to visit your loved one :) I'm here now in Switzerland visiting Misha :) The place is beautiful!!! Check out the foliage!!! I've been here 24 hours so far and I'm enjoying the sights!!! I'll post some more pictures soon when I take more pictures. Hahaha!

Misha says hi!

Took this pic since my Mom likes the storm windows

Jiggy jumping shot!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Investing in IMAGE

Comics published today won't be as valuable as the Golden Age or the Silver Age ones. But I think that SOME Modern Age books may get valuable in the future.

IMAGE Comics have low print runs. They're not as many as the MARVEL or DC print runs which makes it more valuable.

Anyway, I recently acquired 2 KEY Image titles. One is making a name for itself in the small screen and the other is about to enter the small screen.

The Walking Dead #1 9.8 Signed by artist Tony Moore... (I couldn't get one signed by KIRKMAN!)

You watch The Walking Dead on TV? You HAVE to read the comics!!! :) IT'S FRIKKIN AWESOME!!! 

Chew #1 9.9 MINT!!! How cool is that??? 9.9 as a grade is near to impossible to achieve!!!

I hope that John Cho will pull it off as Detective Tony Chu!!! I'm rooting for you John Cho!!!

Sunday, October 23, 2011


This year,  I got a big surprise from Shell! I was asked to become part of their Shell V-Power Network of Champions. They wanted me to travel in different places to learn more about Shell and what they do. The first leg of the trip was in London but unfortunately I wasn't able to attend since I had prior commitments. But last September, I finally got to join the trip! I went to Singapore for the F1 Grand Prix to know more about engine health.

I joined the Philippine Team in Singapore comprised of Jinno Rufino, Beeboy Vargas, Vernon Sarne, Tim Yap and Patty Laurel. There were also other Shell V-Power Champions from European countries. Believe it or not, I was the youngest among the whole group! Pressure? Haha. 

Anyway, click on READ MORE to see what I did in Singapore.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Mark Torres' Surprise!

During the TRESE 4 Launch, right after the program, I had to dash to reach the 6pm mass with my family. On the way out, Comic Book Artist Mark Torres called me and said belated happy birthday. He said that I had too many Spidey sketches already so he gave me this.

I was in Comic Odyssey the last time I saw him and I was getting old back issues of Thundercats from the old WildStorm comics. I wanted to read some Thundercats since the cartoon is on break.

But this sketch of LION-O is just awesome!!! Mark was really cool to have given me this. It made my day that day!!! 

Thanks again Mark!!!

Oh, and by the way, Mark will be drawing TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES!!! WHAT. UP. Congrats Mark!!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Things I'm liking now

I haven't done this in a bit but I just felt like sharing with you what's making me happy. Need to keep myself busy since being in a long distance relationship can be difficult...

First up is the 100 BULLETS Hardcover from DC/VERTIGO written by Brian Azzarello and drawn by Eduardo Risso. I decided not to get the trades for this book and I'm quite happy that DC decided to release a hardcover just like Y: The Last Man and Fables.

Click on READ MORE to see the rest :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I'm a SWATCH fan. We've all worn Swatches at some point of our lives but recently, they've launched the Jeremy Scott line and some of the Swatches have very geeky designs perfect for geeky me.

I have the Lightning Swatch and I love it!!! Now, Swatch came out with a 2nd Wave of Jeremy Scott designs and the latest geeky design is X-RAY VISION!!!

Click READ MORE to see the rest of the post...

Elmer Launch

Last Saturday, Mr. Gerry Alanguilan and National Book Store launched the 2nd Edition of the multi-award winning and Eisner-Nominated ELMER!

It was my 2nd time to host a comic book launch and it was a success!!! Fans of the Komikero trooped down National Book Store Best Sellers in Robinsons Galleria!

Click on the link to see the photos.

Birthday Blowout Winner

Congratulations again to Venus Villaver! Hope you like your spankin brand new NESCAFE Dolce Gusto Piccolo Machine and Mocha Capsules! 

Thanks to all those who participated!

Who knows? I might have a Christmas blowout? Hahaha!

Thursday, October 13, 2011


I've always wanted KOMIKS to go mainstream and I'm really glad that National Book Store is supporting the local Komiks Industry. Looks like they're really getting into exclusives because my dear friend Gerry Alanguilan is partnering with NBS to launch the Exclusive 2nd Edition of ELMER!!!

You know how the Batman #608 2nd print is more expensive than the 1st? I think this is something along that line!

I have tons of Elmer Editions! Heck! I even have the really exclusive one that comes in a case with a personal Sketch from KOMIKERO himself! But I wouldn't mind getting another edition!

Elmer 2nd Edition will be launched this Saturday, October 15, 2011 at Bestsellers, 4th Floor Robinson’s Galleria, Ortigas at 5pm! 
I got an excerpt from
"National Book Store has graciously stepped in and offered to publish the 2nd Edition of Elmer while allowing me to retain ownership of my characters. This deal would now make Elmer available nationwide through all branches of National Book Store, Powerbooks and Bestsellers. NBS has expressed a great interest in supporting Philippine Comics and I think we will be seeing this make an impact in the local industry in the coming years. They will also be launching Book 4 of Trese today, as well as being co-presentor of the 7th Annual Komikon. I sense really good things to come.
This edition will be virtually the same as the previous Komikero Publishing edition, although it would have a new afterword, a sample of the script, and drawings previously available in the Elmer Limited Edition Box Sets. Because of my agreement with my publishers abroad, this edition will only be made available here in the Philippines."

Again,  I will be hosting the launch of Elmer's 2nd Edition! (Someone asked me if I'm doing this on the side and I said no. I never host. I never got paid to host anything. I'm doing this for the love of Komiks! And because Gerry Alanguilan is a friend :) )

PLEASE GO!!! National Book Store is giving 20% off on ALL GRAPHIC NOVELS that day :) PLUS... I heard there's another surprise!!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Launch of TRESE 4 in National Book Store Best Sellers in Galleria

Last Saturday, October 8, Budjette Tan and Kajo Baldisimo launched the fourth installment of their Horror Comic - TRESE! "Last Seen After Midnight" is the fourth volume of the series and it seems that Budjette and Kajo have no plans of ending the story! (Good news for us fans!)

Best Sellers Robinsons Galleria was PACKED!!! The turnout was fantastic!!! In attendance were Trese Fans, new readers and even the esteemed members of the comic book industry!!! Sherry Zamar of Komikon, Lyndon Gregorio of Beerkada, Marvel Artists Leinil Yu, Carlo Pagulayan and Stephen Segovia, Dark Horse Artist Mark Torres and Indie Artist Andrew Drilon. Also present was Esquire Philippines Editor-In-Chief Erwin Romulo.

The launch was also was my first ever hosting gig! All for the love of komiks! I was nervous and all but The Trese Fans, Budjette and Kajo made it easy for me! Everyone was so participative so thanks a lot guys!!! :) 

The event was also the unveiling of the TRESE-fied iPad that's being raffled!!! I'm telling you, the iPad is so damn gorgeous with Kajo's art!!! Be sure to get TRESE 4: Last Seen After Midnight with the exclusive dust jacket ONLY IN NATIONAL BOOK STORE until December 31, 2011. Regular covers will be available in other stores January 1, 2012. The iPad promo runs from October 8 - 31. 

Congrats to Budjette and Kajo!!! 

Saturday, October 8, 2011


This is the last clue to what makes Kajo's sketch so unique.  If you still can't figure it out, join us at the launch event on October 8, Bestsellers, 4F Robinsons Galleria at 5 pm.

Purchases of Trese 4 from National Book Store, Bestsellers and Powerbooks up to October 31, 2011 are eligible for the raffle of Kajo Baldisimo's sketch.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

And here we go... MY FIRST BIRTHDAY BLOWOUT!!!

To the loyal readers of The Tangled Web, I wouldn't be where I am now if it weren't for you guys! You made my blog what it is today and I thank you for that!

Tomorrow, I turn 26. There, I said my age. I am no longer in my "mid" Twenties... Late na :|

But I've been so blessed this year and I want to share the blessings. For the main prize, I am giving away...


Monday, October 3, 2011

CLUE #2 to my Birthday Giveaway :)

You have to click on the Facebook LIKE button!!! :)

Plus you need to "Join this site" to be eligible to join the contest :) (If you don't have Facebook... :\ Click on Retweet!

But you want to see what the 2nd clue is?

Click on READ MORE to see :)

TRESE 4: Clue #2

Here is the second cropped detail of Kajo Baldisimo's sketch.  Have you figured out what makes it so unique? Find out at the launch event on October 8, Bestsellers, 4F Robinsons Galleria at 5 pm.

Purchases of Trese 4 from National Book Store, Bestsellers and Powerbooks up to October 31, 2011 are eligible for the raffle of Kajo Baldisimo's sketch.

Personally, I want to ge this unique piece of art! I'm telling you that what Kajo did is the shiznit!!! It's fantastic!!! Of course I shouldn't be telling this to you since you'll ruin my chances of winning this... Hahaha! But seriously, I've never seen anything like it!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Trese 4: Last Seen After Midnight on October 8

Yours truly will be hosting the event this Saturday ;)

See you all this Saturday! Before Budjette and Kajo sign your copies, there will be a short Q&A with the creative tandem and I'll be moderating that. Have your questions ready :D

Sketch and Dedication Collection

So this is a collage of the different sketches and commissioned artwork I got from San Diego. I think I got a pretty sweet set! I got art from Francis Manapul, Humberto Ramos, Jonathan Hickman, Chris Giarrusso and Joelle Jones who all drew Spider-Man :) Terry Dodson drew the Black Cat, Matt Kindt drew the Tooth and Todd Nauck drew the Green Goblin!

I also got dedications from Jo Chen, Robert Kirkman, Rob Liefeld, and Stan Sakai! This is just the tip of the iceberg. I'll share with you my little black book of signatures soon :)

CLUE #1 to my Birthday Giveaway :)

Hmmm... What could it be? :)

In order to win this, you have to be a follower and you have to LIKE this post :)

Any guesses on what this is? :) I'm telling you, this is probably the BEST prize I'm giving away. Since I LOVE this, I'll share it with a lucky follower.

Wanna win it? 2 things: 1. Click on LIKE below and 2. Click on "Join this site" on the left part of the page.

You have to keep reading the blog! :) More clues to follow :)