May 8-11, 2009.
Awesome awesome awesome experience in Boracay.
Last time I was there was back in 2001 and my oh my. There were a lot of changes. The sand was still amazing and I just love bumming around the beach. It was 4 days of chillaxin!
So some highlights from my short but excellent vacation.
Nestea Beach Volley
It was my first Nestea Beach experience and I can check that one on my bucket list. It was everything I expected it to be. Congrats to Mr. Ron Chuacokiong and the Nestea Team for organizing that event!!! Excellent job!!! From the competition, to the painting the town red of NESTEA FIT, to the parties. Simply awesome!!! The sampling of the Nestea Ice Lolly Apple Flavor from the Ice Cream Team was great too! It's a perfect treat to beat the heat this summer!
I have to admit that I am scared of heights but this one will be one of the most amazing experiences in my life. Being up in the air, smelling the ocean breeze, seeing the blue all over the place and the gorgeous islands, sigh... Spectacular!!! There were times... well a lot of times, that I thought the safety buckle was gonna break because it kept on friggin creaking for crying out loud. But after a while, you'll forget about the fear of falling because it was just so surreal. Galing galing galing! I highly recommend it! But make sure you don't go alone. It'll be boring plus it's nice to share an experience with a friend. You'll see who'll wuss out or scream. Hahaha.
Reef WalkingThis was also pretty cool. Imagine you're wearing an astronaut helmet and it weighs 35kg on land, underwater it'll be 5kg. You walk at the bottom of the ocean and you see a lot of marine life plus you get to feed fish. I was given a piece of bread and I kept my hand still. The fish will come. One of the coolest things evarrr!!! The only con here is the pressure. I kept stabilizing my ear pressure... But it's manageable.
Chori BurgerThe Chorizo Burger was something I haven't heard of. It's famous in Boracay and indeed it was delightful to the tastebuds. It had this barbecuish sweet sauce and it was simple yet delicious. It's only available at night but there are some who start selling around 5pm.
Shangri-La Boracay
This was by far THE BEST RESORT I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. If I had the money, I'd spend like 2-3 nights there. The place was friggin "SHANGRI-LA"!!!! It was rumored that Brangelina went there a couple of weeks ago. We asked the tour guide and he said that they were not allowed to say that kind of information... So yeah... thanks for confirming that they went there buddy. Hahahaha.
The BeachGotta love the sand in Boracay. Still cool to the feet and feels like powder :) The only con in the water are the moss man!!! Somebody please clean the beach! It needs to be in the top 10 beaches in the world dammit!!!
Food TrippingFrom the mexican, greek, italian, or just plain awesome desserts, Boracay has a lot to offer. Good food!!! Make sure you eat where it cannot be found in Manila! Makes it better!
So there... Those are the highlights. I got tipsy one night but not that wasted. Promise :) Hahaha.

WOW Boracay!!! WOW!!! To be honest, I saw a celebrity. And I was like... WOW... But that wasn't the only WOW moment I had. There were several. But as the saying goes. What happens in vegas... este... Boracay... Stays in... Well you know how it goes. Hahahaha.
My next wish to finally visit Bohol... I need to see the beach and the chocolate hills...